Supports Provided
Below is a description of supports provided by Core Services of Northeast Tennessee. We are a small company with infrequent openings. Enrollment is limited to ensure quality support. In you are interested in services please feel free to fill out our wait list form on the link below. Admissions are based on person-centered matching (i.e. homes, housemates, interests) and not length of time on the wait list.
Supported Living
People receive the support they need to acquire, retain or improve skills necessary to reside in a home that is under their control and responsibility. Our philosophy is that everyone has a right to choose their home and housemates.
Employment Support
Core Services has adopted an Employment First Philosophy. Anyone who wants to work should have that opportunity. Our experienced employment team will help find that dream job and provide just the right support to assure a successful career.
Enabling Technology
Core Services is an Enabling Technology Transformation Agency. Technology allows an additional support option in a way that safely fosters independence and choice. Through the use of technology, people can define where, what and when they need supports to achieve their desired independence and preferred life.
Day Supports
People should have meaningful roles and inclusion in the greater community. People are supported to pursue their interests and desires such as have a career, access community resources, worship where they choose, visit friends, go on vacations, belong to clubs and civic groups, or engage in recreational interests and hobbies.
Healthcare Oversight
We will play a vital role in helping people to achieve and maintain good physical and emotional health essential to their well-being. This includes: giving medications or assisting people to take medication while following all laws and safety rules, assisting the people to learn disease prevention and maintain good health, helping people keep regular health and dental care appointments, following health care plans and properly using medical equipment, helping people learn the signs of common health problems.
Nursing Services
A Registered Nurse is on staff to provide skilled nursing services that fall within the scope of the Tennessee Nurse Practice Act and that are directly provided to the person in accordance with a plan of care.
Donna uses a SPENCER Medication Dispenser for greater independence in medication administration.
MAPs - Medicaid Alternative Pathways to Independence
MAPs, a program of TN-DIDD will set people with intellectual and developmental disabilities on a path to learn skills to help them work, live independently, learn about their neighborhoods, and find hobbies that interest them. MAPs service give people in the program the tools, technology, and support they need to meet the goal they set for themselves.
Pre-Employment Transition Services
Through a grant with the Tennessee Division of Rehabilitation Services instruction is provided in area middle and high schools for students with an IEP. This program is in collaboration with local educational agencies. Pre-ETS services are designed to be an early start at job exploration. Instruction includes: Job Exploration Counseling, Workplace Readiness Training, Self-Advocacy, Workbased Learning and how to access Post-Secondary Education