

Core Services of Northeast Tennessee, because people don’t want a lifetime of really good services, people want really great lives!

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Why we stand out.


We are committed to empowering people with intellectual disabilities to live a shared vision of a valued life in connection with family, friends and community life.


People with intellectual disabilities participate in, contribute to, and are valued members of their chosen community.

Read policies & procedures

2024 Annual Trend Analysis

2023 Annual Trend Analysis

CQL Person Centered Excellence with Distinction- CQL Report

SHIFT Tech First Reacreditation Report

Agency Narrative

Agency Philosophy and Service Foundations

Agency Supervision Plan

Annual Assessment of Rights

Basic Assurance Monitoring Policy

Behavior Services Flow Chart

Code of Ethics (NADSP)

Concern Resolution Policy

Concern Resolution Easy Read

Conservatorship/Supported Decision Making Policy

Council - Core Council

Council - Self Advocate Council

CPR First Aid Policy

Discharge Policy - Person Supported

EVV Policy

Emergency Management Plan

Employee Continuing Education

Employee Dress Code

Employee Drug and Alcohol

Employee Felony Activity

Employee Handbook

Employee of the Month

Employee PRN Policy

Employee Professional Boundaries

Employee Referral Program

Employee Tobacco Policy

Employee Unpaid Leave

Employment First Philosophy

Organizational Employment Plan

Enabling Technology Plan/Policy

External Stakeholder Professional Boundaries

Fall Prevention Policy

Fall Risk Comprehensive Assessment

Family Model Policy

First Aid Policy

Good Neighbor Policy

Gossip Policy

Guidelines for Intemittent Support

Healthcare Assessment Policy

Healthcare Management and Oversight

Preventive Healthcare Flyer

Making and Keeping Healthcare Appointments

Medication Safety Policy

Medication Self-Administration

Mission and Vision

Monitoring Plan Implementation/Progress

Motor Vehicle Safety

Natural Support Policy

Nurse Delegated Duties

Organizational Chart

Peer Mentoring Policy

People Understand Health/Choose Healthcare Providers

People have Privacy

Personal Appearance Matters

Personal Funds Policy

Positive Behavior Supports/HRC

Privacy Practices

Protection from Harm

Record Maintenance/Doc Retention

Right to Choose Home

Rights Respect Dignity

Title VI

Volunteer Policy

Wait List Intake Procedure

Welcome to Core Flyer


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Thinking about Core Services for yourself or someone you are responsible for? Click here for our Welcome Packet.


We exist to serve the life needs of persons with intellectual disabilities.  The people supported share the rights of all citizens including the rights of respect, dignity, lifestyle choices, supports, and protection from harm.  It is our duty to protect these rights for all those we support. The following are the foundations upon which our services and supports to people with intellectual disabilities are built: We celebrate and respect the uniqueness of each person we serve. We structure our supports in a manner that provides people the opportunity to live their vision of a valued life. We support, educate, and empower people to achieve their fullest potential. We support people in their efforts to have the best possible health. We encourage and provide supports for people to choose and participate in everyday community life. We encourage and provide supports for people to communicate their individual wants, needs, thoughts and opinions. We encourage and support people to use community resources to meet their recreational, medical, and spiritual needs.  We partner with people to seek and access community resources. We support activities and experiences that are meaningful to the person. We encourage and provide supports for people to work at jobs of their choosing in work settings that are the best match for their interests and the needs of their employer. We create living environments that match the support needs of the person with characteristics that make the living environment a home rather than a residence. We create living environments that affords each individual the opportunity to experience a broad array of social situations which can contribute to learning new skills and increasing independence.  People are supported in their efforts to lead lives that have personal meaning and value.  We provide support for people to make informed decisions. We strive to respect and support the decisions a person makes.  We educate and support people in their efforts to exercise rights to which they are entitled and responsibilities that are associate with those rights as citizens of our country, state, and the local community of which they are a part.